Terra's Pages

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Anniversary, My Love!

18 years old....dating  1996
Twenty-four years ago I met my future husband.  Eighteen years ago I started dating this amazing guy!  Fifteen years ago I married my best friend, Kristofer.

Marine Corps bootcamp graduation  1997

We have had a pretty amazing ride over the years.  We have had many adventures (some more successful than others), we have visited many states, many monuments, many caves, mountains, lakes, rivers, and even a few countries as well.  We have experienced tornadoes, hurricanes, rainbows and sunshine.  We have celebrated anniversaries together, we have celebrated anniversaries hundreds of miles apart.  We have moved four times.  We have had many laughs, we have shed tears together.  We have three amazing children!  We have experienced many 'firsts' together and I look forward to many more in our future.  


Honeymoon  1999
We spent our honeymoon in Williamsburg.  Our first night in the city we ended up with food poisoning and then spent almost the whole week incredibly, painfully, pitifully sick.  Finally, the day before we had to leave we ventured out of the suite.  We made it to Busch Gardens.  Then, on our first roller coaster for the day...the thing got stuck at the top of the first hill.  We sat there for a while before they fixed the problem.  What a start to the marriage....in sickness and in health....
Our first home, Jacksonville, NC  1999-2001
At an Air Force Assn fundraiser  2003

Picture below (editor is being dumb today and I can't get a caption box to open): Columbus PD Grad, pregnant with Mackenzie 2006

Horse drawn carriage in Arkansas, pregnant with Garytt 2008

Garden of the Gods, CO  2010

St. John, USVI 2011

Parasailing in St. Thomas, USVI  2011

Magen's Bay, USVI  2011

Mt. Rushmore  2011

Arches National Park 2011

Anniversary 2011, Caledonia, MS
Helicopter ride around Tokyo  2013

Morgan Graduation, 2014

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight  For the ends of being and ideal grace...I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life  ~EBB, Sonnets from the Portuguese

Thank you, my dear, for being an amazing man...an outstanding father....and, the love of my life!

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