When I read a blog a year or so ago suggesting a year-long study of the American Civil War, I thought: How in the world can you fill a whole year with one war? Well, folks, I managed to do just that. I started with a 30-day study plan purchased from Homeschool in the Woods, added in some free lessons from Easy Peasy Homeschool, and from there I just added as many books as I could fit between lessons. The last few months of school were interrupted by COVID closings and protest restrictions, so we did a few tours virtually and we ended the whole thing with a Civil War Jamboree.
We found the monument to Clara Barton, Angel of the Battlefield, as well as Sunken Road, aka Bloody Lane, where around 5,000 men were gunned down at or near point blank range.
On our way out of town, we made one last stop at the Antietam Cemetery. We walked amongst the final resting place for many who fought that day and observed the sadness the Private Soldier Monument, aka Old Simon, bestows on his fellow soldiers.

So, instead of walking through Ford's Theater, we took a virtual tour. Then, as I was digging around the Fords.org site I discovered a treasure trove of extra resources! I'm getting ahead of myself. FIRST, we started by touring Ford's Theater. We got comfy in our chairs, in our pajamas and with snacks and drinks, then we let Garytt click the little map arrow and lead us all around the theater. We 'stood' on the stage where Booth broke his ankle. We 'stood' in the ante-room where no guard was protecting the family. We 'stood' right behind Lincoln's chair and saw the chip Booth's spurs took out of the frame around the painting of George Washington that hung on the President's box. Then, Garytt took us across the street to the Peterson House where we saw the room Mary Todd Lincoln waited out one of the most horrific days of her life. We 'stood' next to the bed where America's 16th president took his last breath.
After we followed the Lincoln Funeral Train across the country on Fords.org, we dove into Chasing Lincoln's Killer. We traced the steps of the assassins on a map, from D.C., down into our neck of the woods, and then over into Virginia. The book did a great job of telling the timelines of several of the main figures in the assassination, the attempted assassinations, the hunt for the suspects, and all those that helped or knew what was going on.
Once the book was finished I took a few weeks to plan an actual tour of the places listed in the book. Unfortunately, because of COVID issues, everything was closed at the time. I tried waiting it out to see if things would open up, but they didn't and we ran out of time. So, after our Ford's virtual tour, we took a virtual tour of Mudd's House, then set out in the car for a driving tour. First stop was the Surratt Museum. It was closed, and they don't offer a virtual tour, so we just walked through the garden and looked at the house.The next stop was Dr. Mudd's house. Through the virtual tour at drmudd.org, we were able to walk through the whole house. We saw the wooden projects Dr. Mudd made while he was imprisoned on an island off the coast of Florida. So, since the museum itself was closed, and the lane up to the museum was also blocked off, we stood by the road and Garytt did a fantastic job of giving us a mental walk-through of the house.
Next up on the tour was the farm of Samuel Cox. Booth tried to stay here, but Cox insisted they stay in a pine thicket on the edge of the Zekiah Swamp. I'll spare you the picture overload, but we did see the swampland, the pine thicket, and a church where all the conspirators met.
Our final stop for the day was the point on the Potomac River where Booth and Herald set out for the Virginia shore (their first shot actually took them up river, nearly to DC). My plan was to then cross the river and find the spot where Booth actually died. However, we were out of snacks, running low on water, and the kids were arguing about who was on whose side of the vehicle. I made the decision to stop the tour there. A few weeks later, as Kris, Dave and the kids were driving south to MS, they pulled off at the marker where he died, and officially concluded the tour.
Finally, after finishing all the reading, projects, and tours, we put together a Civil War Jamboree and invited a few people over to celebrate. We took a week to finish projects and get the supplies needed for our celebration.
Project Week: Sewing a housewife and carbine
I cut out all the fabric pieces, mainly because our fabric supply was low and I couldn't afford for anyone to make a mistake or waste the precious scraps I found laying around. But, the kids did all the sewing. Garytt grumbled here and there, but his sewing was just as good as Mackenzie's sewing. Well, except for the final few stitches...the four sided piece should have had at least twenty stitches per side, his had two per side. I helped finish that one up since he worked hard to get alllllllll the other pieces perfect.
Scrapbook: Extensive work with the exacto knife, they also learned how to use staples and ribbon to put together the binding of this album.
Completed insides
Next up: Decorations and map projects

Our battle map...not all battles, but many of the significant battles
Underground Railroad map
Table decorations
The Civil War money happens to be a souvenir I bought in 2nd or 3rd grade, maybe 4th, when we went to Pea Patch Island on a school trip. Mom's field trip money well spent! The little box contains mini books the kids put together about several of the war leaders, Lincoln, Davis, Lee, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Stonewall Jackson.
I printed several battle maps from battlefield.org. We also watched animated maps of some of the battles. The animated maps did a great job of taking some of the boring, General A took his troops here while General B moved in from the North, and visualized them in a way that made more sense. I used the printed maps with the pieces from our Risk game and as I read the battle info, the kids would move their troops accordingly.
Garytt's craft projects. Carbine, housewife and journal. He's decided the carbine makes the perfect sized backpack for his tall LEGO Star Wars figures.
Uniform project. They had to research each type of uniform and color it correctly and then the uniforms were cut out, put inside plastic and then they could be used like paper dolls with the soldiers inside the book. The smaller picture is Mackenzie holding one of the uniforms up to the computer screen for Grandpa and Grandma to see, and Kris positioned himself so his head was in the right spot to be 'wearing' the uniform.
Mackenzie's work setup. The US map on the bottom left held all the extra projects we did while I waited for the museums to open back up. A few of them were: 1. Children of the Civil War...they used journals and letters written by children during the civil war to learn what it was like to be in the north, south, city, farmland, front lines, and homefront. (hsi.wm.edu; Historical Scene Investigation). 2. Reimagining Civil War Monuments....they researched many monuments, some contested, some loved; they read speeches and writings from each side of the "tear it down" or "keep it there" discussion and then they designed their own civil war monument. 3. They read Booth's diary and then wrote papers about why they thought he committed the assassination. (fords.org) 4. They read through the transcripts of the trial and tried to decide when and if some of the conspirators knew what was happening up to, during, and after the assassination. (fords.org) 5. They did a document analysis to try and figure out when Dr. Mudd knew the "injured man" was Booth and then wrote a report defending their position. (drmudd.org). 6. They did a virtual scavenger hunt in the Mudd Museum (drmudd.org). 7. Civil War Music...we researched music from the time period. Songs soldiers sung, songs slaves sung, Lincoln's favorite songs.
And, now the party! The kids worked on food and snacks from the civil war time period.
Garytt made lemonade and Mackenzie made Lincoln's favorite cake
Kris and I filled in a bit with veggies, a smoked ham, and deviled eggs. Also, we couldn't forget the subject of my favorite Civil War song....Goober Peas!
Morgan, Uncle Dave and Mom Mom Pat came over to celebrate and look at all the hard work they put into studying this period of US history.
Then, they ended the presentation with a video chat with Grandma and Grandpa
So, we managed to turn a 30 day project into several months worth of lessons!
Now, onto the Industrial Revolution!!
After we finish learning about elections.