Here are a few things Mackenzie wrote and drew for him, just to be sure he was nice and cheered up after the fall-heard-round-the-apartment!
Jibee's response:
And, play he did! He found a beautiful ballerina in the tree to dance with him!
Now, I have seen many boards on pinterest and on friends' Facebook walls of the hilarious things their elves do. I'm sure glad Jibee decided to behave himself in our house, because I know one little boy who would have tried to duplicate any daring activity he pulled off.
The next night Jibee decided it was time to decorate his own Christmas tree. He found tiny ornaments and some yarn to decorate my Easter/Thanksgiving tree. Then, he left some cool craft supplies for the kids to make their own ornaments.
The resulting ornaments...stockings, hearts, trees and ornaments.

The next night, Jibby borrowed our Bible Storybook and read the story of Jesus' birth to a few of the other toys.
He also brought four baggies filled with M&M's. One each for Garytt and Mackenzie, and then one bag for each kid to give to a friend. We hope Jack and Maggie loved the yummy chocolate!
The card reads:
As you hold these candies in your hand
And turn them, you will see
The M becomes a W, an E, and then a 3.
They tell the Christmas story, it's one I'm sure you know
It took place in a stable a long time ago.
The E is for the East, where the star shone so bright.
The M is for the Manger, where baby Jesus slept that night.
The 3 is for the wiremen, bearing gifts when they came.
The W is for Worship, Hallelujah, Praise His name!
So, as you eat these candies, and share them with your friends,
Remember the meaning of Christmas,
It's a Love Story that never ends!
A couple nights later Jibee decided he wanted hot chocolate. He was even nice enough to bring two new Christmas mugs and the hot chocolate to go in them! The kids enjoyed a couple mugs at lunch....I sure hope he cleaned up his mess before the next morning!
The next night was another low-key night. We found him in our card holder, just barely peeking out.
The following night Jibee brought a coloring book! And, he brought a manger scene for the kids to color and cut out! I was very grateful for this, since we somehow managed to NOT pack our manger scene to come to Japan.
The finished Nativity Scene
I guess Jibee wanted to join in on the fun school activities the next day! We found him sitting amongst the school stuff with the Arkansas state information card in his hands! I had two eager learners that morning, in addition to Jibee!
The next day couple of days Jibee was in the mood for cookies! I don't have a shot of it, but the first day he had Grandma's chocolate cookie recipe and candy cane kisses to go on top! Yummy! Both kids helped roll the cookies and then smoosh (some of them a little too smooshed-they went right through the cookie) the kisses on. Below, he brought the molasses....I guess he was ready for my favorite cookies!
The next night I guess he didn't finish playing with his friends before we all woke up. I never thought the kids would ask this...."Why didn't he hide before we got up? He could have played all night and then returned my stuff before the sun came up!" Well.....I guess he was having so much fun that he lost track of time. That seemed to answer the question. Next was, "But...I rrrreeeeaaaallllyyyyyy wanted to play with THAT elephant TODAY!" Geez....so, that one lead into a lesson on sharing.
Finally, Christmas Eve morning Jibee showed up ready for a party! He brought us the ingredients to make a birthday cake for baby Jesus!
He even brought a present....Jibee wants to give his heart to Jesus!
Jibee and the family had a Wonder filled month. Glad he found Japan a fun place to visit every day. Thank you for sharing.